The "Most Active Partner Club" was created in 2002.
The purpose of MAP CLUB program is to give the
partners of STN Electronics the opportunity of
direct and close dialogue and discussion of
their issues regarding the development of the
IT-market. Events are taken place in a
comfortable and confidential environment M e e t i n g s
and concentrate on thematic subjects take place during
but not limited to them. Problems weekends and evening
which are discussed in MAP in comfortable restaurants,
CLUB, are actual for all clubs or resorts.
partners of the company
independently of the MAP participants are the business owners,
region in which they commercial directors, heads of marketing
conduct their departments, purchase managers, corporate accouunt
business. managers.
The MAP CLUB is a professional association promoting common
growth by mutual understanding and cooperation between the
companies and channel partners.
The topics of the meetings are connected with channel development,
promotion, improvement of efficiency, and the development of the cooperation.
Additionally, global themes of legislative process and legal regulation of branch,
customs regulation, market consolidation, IT-investments directly related to
economy, participation of partners of STN Electronics in corporate projects,
development of the regional markets, personnel inquiries and others issues are